Our Story


Greetings and welcome to Filia Dei Veils - thank you for stopping by our little family apostolate shop! Here above is a photo of my husband (Simon) and I inside our home studio, where all the sewing action happens behind the scenes!

The inspiration for this apostolate store was borne out of much support and encouragement from my dear friends and sisters in Christ. They each in their unique ways, continue to witness to me the meaning of “Filia Dei” - Daughter of God. This is our deepest and truest identity, where Our Lady is our best model.

By sharing this ancient tradition of veiling with you, my hope is that it may inspire you as it has inspired me, to draw closer to Christ and love Him more deeply!

My Veiling Journey

I came to veiling in the brokenness of my own femininity - it's something I have struggled with quite a bit growing up in the secular culture, as well as in my home.

I equated being feminine to either being weak and submissive (and close to no mind of her own), or to those femme fatale characters of the film noir era... It did not occur to me that gentleness and strength can (and must) sit beside one another for authentic femininity to flourish.

Veiling was a very personal call for me. It played a part in helping me to heal the fragmented parts of my femininity and bring it to a place of greater wholeness, a place possible only when rooted in Christ. It was a way the Lord used this age-old tradition to call me closer to His heart to say "You're my precious daughter, you're mine. And you are loved as you are..."

Ultimately, the purpose of veiling is to bring our hearts closer to Our Lord through Our Lady, to truly know in our heart of hearts, Christ's love for us!

Sacred Heart of Jesus & the Immaculate Heart of Mary,
Pray for us!

God bless & Ave Maria!

Jane Mary-Gianna Yeak