A Catholic Man's Perspective On Veiling

So I decided to interview my loving other half Simon one evening about his thoughts and perspective on women who wear a veil a Mass or Adoration. I hope that it may affirm you lovely sisters, whichever part of the veiling journey you may be on! :)

“Q: What are your first thoughts when you are in Mass and see a woman who wears a veil?

When I see a woman wearing a veil in Mass, what strikes me is seeing someone desiring to be closer to God, first in modesty and then more primarily in her interior life. Most of my friends who veil at Mass are women who take their Faith very seriously and desire to have a deep relationship with the Lord and the Blessed Mother, and have a deep femininity.

Q: What would you say to women who desire to veil yet feel they will be deemed as being ‘old-fashioned’ or belonging to the Extraordinary Form?

Surprisingly, the women I have encountered who veil were not attending Extraordinary Form. Having said this I've attended Mass all over the world and those who veiled were not always those who were uniquely part of the Tridentine Mass. The most important desire is that most of these women I encountered expressed that they were putting Christ upon them or wearing the mantle of our Blessed Mother, casting themselves aside to recall their true identity — a daughter of Christ. What is truly important is their encounter with the Living Christ.

What I find most impressive from my close friends who veil is the witness of their person, and the veil is an extension of their humble and gentle nature that results from their close relationship with Jesus. I see the veil as accompanying the woman in her desire to be in an ever closer relationship with the Lord and grow in deeper virtue.

However there are also those who strike a strong critique of others who do not veil. Here I think we should recall what the Lord taught at the Sermon on the Mount — that acts of prayer should not be public announcements of one’s own holiness but rather that which is about the heart. If practising virtue helps us grow in holiness then similarly, the practice of veiling should help us grow in our interior life as well.”

Photo 📸: Simon Yeak

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