"fiat mihi secundum verbum tuum"

Filia Dei Veils

Shop Collections

Behold, I am the

Handmaid of the Lord

Why do we veil?

"..a veil symbolises the reality of woman sheltered in the side of her source and becoming one with Him. She becomes covered and hidden in her Divine Spouse."

St. John Chrysostom

Veiling Meditations

"fiat mihi secundum verbum tuum"

Filia Dei Veils

Shop Collections

Behold, I am the

Handmaid of the Lord

Why do we veil?

"..a veil symbolises the reality of woman sheltered in the side of her source and becoming one with Him. She becomes covered and hidden in her Divine Spouse."

St. John Chrysostom

Veiling Meditations

+ Featured: Spanish Mantillas Collection +